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Peaceful Uprising is a nonprofit collective committed to action to combat the climate crisis and build a just, healthy world. Visit this page for a list of their current campaigns.
Unitarian Universalist Ministry for Earth
The UU Ministry for Earth creates earth justice education and action campaigns to encourage respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part. Tim is entering Harvard Divinity School to become a UU pastor. Support their efforts here.
350.org is building a global grassroots movement to solve the climate crisis and push for policies that will put the world on track to get to 350 ppm. (To preserve our planet, scientists say we must reduce the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere from its current level, 392 parts per million, to below 350 ppm.)
RAMPS is a non-violent direct action campaign based in the southern coal fields of West Virginia dedicated to ending all forms of strip mining in Appalachia by locally supported direct action.
Rising Tide North America was born out of the conviction that corporate-friendly and state-sponsored "solutions" to climate change will not save us. Rising Tide is a 100% volunteer, grassroots network of groups and individuals who take direct action to confront the roots causes of climate change.
Since 2011, WIRT activists have challenged Alberta tar sands equipment transports, oil and natural gas exploitation in Idaho, Powder River Basin coal extraction and export, and highway expansion into native habitat.
Dubbed “some of the most savvy environmental agitators in the business” by the Wall Street Journal, RAN uses hard-hitting markets campaigns to align the policies of multinational corporations with widespread public support for environmental protection.
Center for Biological Diversity
The Center for Biological Diversity wants those who come after us to inherit a world where the wild is still alive.
Utah Tar Sands Resistance is about taking action to preserve the land. Join PeaceUp in action against tar sands in Utah!
Started by PeaceUp members, Before It Starts formed to stop the immediate threat of tar sands and oil shale mining in the United States before it is too late. Take action here.
The Transition approach is a replicable, flexible methodology that empowers communities to squarely face the challenges of peak oil and climate change, and to unleash the collective genius of their own people to re-create the future in ways that are not based on cheap, plentiful and polluting oil but on localized food, sustainable energy sources, resilient local economies and an enlivened sense of community well-being.
MISSION: To explore, enjoy, and protect the wild places of the earth;
To practice and promote the responsible use of the earth's ecosystems and resources;
To educate and enlist humanity to protect and restore the quality of the natural and human environment; and to use all lawful means to carry out these objectives.
Take action or attend a Sierra Club event here.
Greenpeace is the largest independent direct-action environmental organization in the world. Take action here.
The Wilderness Workshop is the conservation watchdog of nearly 3 million acres of public lands in western Colorado. Using science, the law and grassroots activism, WW works to keep the White River National Forest and nearby BLM lands more or less “as is” and, where possible, to restore wildness to this nationally important landscape.
Western Colorado Congress (WCC) is a grassroots, democratic organization dedicated to challenging injustice by organizing people to increase their power over decisions that affect their lives. WCC’s community groups and members work together to create healthy, sustainable communities, social and economic justice, environmental stewardship and a truly democratic society.

Tim speaks during Capital Climate Action, before making a giant 350.org with other activists

Ashley cheers on the rally as it makes its way to the Federal Courthouse in SLC before Tim's trial

Hundreds gathered in solidarity with Tim and marched to the Federal Courthouse before his trail in March in SLC